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Congratulations on becoming a TP Member!


Some are great with self-discipline and committing to what they set out to do.

When I say some...studies show that 8% of people accomplish their goals.

That means 92% fail.


TP works in blocks of 13 weeks.

For TP to work and be a success for you, you must participate on a daily basis...make it a habit.

One of the latest studies on habits says that the average habit for the average person takes about 66 days.

Not many have the discipline to do something for 66 days to make it a habit.


This is why we offer tools and services that will help you become one of the elite 8% who accomplish what they set out to do.


 If you have questions...we have answers, send us an email.


Coaching with Casey

This is a one-on-one with Casey as he gives you the direction and advice needed to take advantage of the TRUE PATH System!

Transformation Package

The Transformation Package is the ultimate life-changing experience. It's essentially Casey coaching you for 13 weeks as you go through your TRUE PATH Journey.

Being Coached by Casey and learning the TRUE PATH System for 13-weeks will Transform you in more ways than you can even imagine.

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