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TP13 (Accountability)

TP13 (Accountability)

Accountability is a surefire way to make the most of your TRUE PATH experience. 


Accountability Includes everything in Jump Start but adds 13-Weeks of email coaching with Casey!


As each TRUE PATH book is 13 weeks, this service matches your 13 week journey. 

Having access to Casey during  your 13 week journey is priceless. 


So, Accountability incudes...


1) The TRUE PATH Book is shipped to you (2-6 business days)

(You'll receive an email with your tracking number once shipped)


2) Welcome Email - The email will include the password that unlocks the Members Section.


The Members Section includes...


Members Page - which introduces you to the 3 main pages.


PDF Page - This page breaks down each pages of TRUE PATH which include the Monthly, Weekly, and Daily pages as well as each of the beginning exercises. After a brief breakdown of each are PDF's (virtual pages) that you can view, download and print, if you like, to start using and get acquainted with the System before the physical book arrives.


Video Page - This page works as a complete workshop broken down in short videos of Casey explaining each Excercise, Section and Page.


You can view and/or download the section from the PDF page, and then watch the video that coincides with that exercise or page to dive deeper into each of elements/sections within the system.


Premium Services Page - This page gives you the option and opportunity to add Coaching sessions and programs with Casey if you decide you want to go deeper.


3) Set Up Session - Casey will send an email to begin setting up the best day/time that works best for both of you.


- The session is about 45 minutes and can be done via phone or zoom (video chat).


- Setting up your TRUE PATH according to your lifestyle can be key to having success from the start. 


- Casey will show you the basics of setting it up, but also customize it to your life. 


- He will also give you some tips and tricks based on your life to help you get the most out of TRUE PATH. Finally, he can answer any questions you may have.


4) 13 Weeks of Coaching (email) with Casey


After the Set Up Session, Casey will have a better idea of who you are, which will allow him to better direct you and answer any questions you have.


You will not only be able to email Casey with questions about TRUE PATH and how to best utilize the System, but you can also ask him about anything going on in your life. 


Casey will answer within 24 hours (usually) much sooner, and many times via video email as it is the best way to get the information you need completely and concisely.


Casey will also check in on you, if he hasn't heard from you which also acts as an accountability partner, which is key to success for most.


Accountability is the most comprehensive program to learn the TRUE PATH System, which when applied will allow you to accomplish the things you set out to do, as well as learn the tips, tricks and techniques to live a confident and purposeful life each day.

    $949.00 Regular Price
    $349.00Sale Price
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